Forever Legs - A Leaving Cocktail

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Forever Legs1
Forever Legs
Forever Legs2
Forever Legs - A Leaving Cocktail

One of my loveliest and best pals upped and left us for Australia, not to worry though, we will be stealing her back soon. However this post is going to be less about kidnapping someone and more about how we 'celebrated' her leaving us for a new adventure.

We decided to provide a recipe and cocktail ingredients for people to help themselves to... this was not an aim to avoid any hostess duties, although it turned out to be a pretty swell by-product. I wanted to illustrate / design the recipe card as a fun addition to the party and something that Sophie could keep as a memento (it was also an excuse to play). I like designing things and I like booze - these two things seem to fit together rather well. So well in fact, that I may start a regular post illustrating and sharing some of my favourite combinations... winner?

The party was hilarious, cocktails were created, cocktails were drunk and sore heads were created.


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