For a Dirty Weekend, Come to Margate

Friday 20 June 2014

For a Dirty Weekend, Come to Margate

Margate is a place I would have had no desire to go without good reason. Good reason came in the form of an art exhibit involving one of my friends - so we hopped the train early one Saturday morning and off to Margate we went.

We stepped off the train into what, at first glance looked like a run-down beach town... the further I ventured in, the more I fell in love. Margate is beautifully littered with ALL the vintage shops, art galleries, independent cafes and independent (home brewed cider serving) pubs. The arty, free-spirited attitude that is in full effect in Margate encases you whole.

Our first stop was ruled entirely by our stomachs, we entered the independent eatery heaven 'The Greedy Cow' - the decor, service and food were all delicious.

Did you know that Margate has a 'Shell Grotto'?... a grotto made out of shells, epic. We paid our fee and walked into a cave, where we were greeted with over 4.6 million shells. I felt I had stumbled into some kind of (slightly dirt and damp) fairytale. After getting overly attached to the grotto we decided we needed coffee to justify a few more minutes in its presence. Did I mention there was a Victorian shell lady in the grotto cafe?...
As the afternoon drew closer we made our way to the newly re-vamped 'Viking Gallery' to see the 'South London comes to Margate' exhibit and it was excellent, my friend Sophie's work was particularly great. The exhibit doesn't finish until mid-July if you fancy a trip.

I can completely understand how the beautiful paintings emerged from Turners head onto paper after taking in the moodily beautiful coastline, the colours! The Turner Contemporary looks out directly onto the seafront. The building itself looks far too modern for the 'look' of Margate, but I like that it is   there as a symbol of growth.

We decided to end our beach day the only way we know how - chips on the beach and home brewed cider at the pub. We had to run along the seafront slightly (read: massively) tipsy, but hey we made it. I will be seeing you again Margate - the gem of the Kent coastline.
Dress - ASOS, Mac - H&M, Boots - Dune, Necklace - Topshop, Socks & Sunglasses - Primark


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