Manchester By Night

Monday 9 January 2012

Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night
Manchester by Night

I love photography and used it a lot on my BA but I have always just played around and discovered things myself so when I saw that there was a night photography course discounted on Groupon I jumped at the chance to get a few professional tips on how to use my camera specifically at night! It was really fun and our guy knew everything (ok maybe an over exaggeration but he was good) I managed to get a few great shots – very abstract but there are so many lovely lights at night that its hard not to take advantage of them! I was amazed at how many people approach you when you a taking a picture – the public are apparently on paparazzi alert pretty much constantly…


  1. the big wheel looks top at night doesn't it, you captures it really well with the exposure


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