Shine Theory

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Shine Theory Blog
Shine Theory

If you are a 'Call Your Girlfriend' addict, then this phrase will already be firmly in your vocabulary. If not, then I will give you the run-down. Ann Friedman, writer and one half of CYG, wrote the article 'Shine Theory: Why Powerful Women Make the Greatest Friends' for The Cut in 2013.

And the minds of the world were blown... or at least mine was.

Shine theory is a science of sorts, based around the idea of 'I don't shine if you don't shine' (amazing phrase coined by Aminatou Sow, other half of CYG) - surrounding yourself with strong, happy, confident, 'shiny' women, can only make your life better, you are able to shine more around these glittering souls, not less.

The worst type of friendships to hold onto, are the ones that don't make you feel like your best self everyday. People who make themselves feel better by tearing other people down are the WORST, it's not confidence, it's cowardice. Why compete with other women? Why feel jealous when they get something you don't? Just....don't.... Women need to support other women. Feel happy for your pals success, be inspired and motivated by these incredible women. You're lucky, you have people in your corner pushing you to achieve and defending you when things don't go to plan.

Friends like these make you feel like you are the best thing in the world, like you're the most intelligent, funny and beautiful, because on the days when you don't feel it - they know it. They are the people that hype you up, they tell you that Beyonce should be scared when you strut out in a new dress, or text you to say how bloody great you are on the morning of a big meeting. Those are the people to cherish, always.

Read Ann's original The Cut article HERE.


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