2015 can well and truly get lost, that sentiment stands but... despite 2015 being one of the most difficult ones yet, there have still been some excellent moments and I think reflecting on those will be far more fun. So, let's forget about the shitty / dark parts of this year and crack on with feeling good at the shinier moments:
- Visiting Berlin for the first time with a couple of truly excellent, wondrous pals. Realising that eating sausage, drinking beer by a river and jumping head first into vintage heaven really does bring a smile to my face.
- A trip to The Ritz and peeing in complete luxury.
- Cracking on with YouTube, 2016 is going to see my face far too much. Soz.
- Having the best ever birthday brunch, making 28 slightly easier to face.
- Watching 'Whiplash' and being well and truly blown away.
- Accepting a break up and doing my damned hardest to make sure I felt better. Realising that I'm pretty strong.
- Knocking three more cemeteries off 'The Magnificent Seven' cemeteries of London list. If you are slightly morbid but love Victorian cemeteries, architecture and overgrown wondrousness. Add this to your 2016 bucket list, start with Highgate and then go wild...
- Discovering the infamous 'pickle back' with the work gang. If you have no idea what this is, then I urge you to go and find out. Now.
- Seeing 'This is the Kit' live, this band makes my heart swell with how pretty their music is.
- Making new friends in unexpected places.
- Completing a 10K run despite being a prior exercise-phobe... half marathon in 2016...
- Creating, organising and celebrating my first event at work - 'The Great Architectural Bake Off'. Mary Berry's sponge has nothing on an edible Serpentine Pavilion.
- Seeing Blur sing 'Tender' live and weeping (just a little bit)
- The 'Lambeth Country Show' - a firm favourite every year. A day of beautiful people, dancing and litres upon litres of Chucklehead cider.
- A summer full of rowdy rambles and BBQ's.
- Witnessing small greatnesses, who can forget the badass old lady who shouted down a guy trying to humiliate a girl?
- Playing with glitter, realising that I have the most fun when spontaneous ideas, creativity and mess are involved.
- Having the courage to put myself out there - I am part of two book clubs and a 'Lean In' Circle... Line dancing, you're next. I'm coming for you.
- Playing tour guide for the family around London.
- End of the Road Festival with a group of old and now new best ones. Discovering new bands, wearing ten layers and still feeling cool, getting rowdy, drinking cider, beating everyone at a random game and feeling... free.
- Cooking my first big Indian feast for a gang of hungry visitors from scratch AND making people make those irritating yum voices rather than vom ones. Winner.
- Visiting Rome for the first time with one of the best ones. Feasting on more delicious food then my brain knew what to do with, drinking red wine and generally just taking my eyes to look at all the beautiful things... blog post is on it's way.
- Receiving a print I had wanted for years.
- Getting my best ginger bun back from Australia.
- Realising that I have the best pals / mates / buddy's... even when this year has been at its shite pinacle, they have been there to perk me up, slap me on the back, listen to me whine, get me drunk and generally just be complete bloody wonders.
- Being around a strong, brilliant family that prove you can get through the hardest of things together with a lot of mocking, random conversations and laughing.
2016 guys, it's going to be a good'un, I can feel it. Happy new year! x
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