Winning at Wednesdays - 04

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Camberwell Interview
Camberwell Interview1
Winning at Wednesdays - 04.

Featured - I was interviewed and featured on the Camberwell, UAL blog. YAY - if you are interested in hearing me waffle then take a look HERE.

Reading -  'Copywriting' by the super ace copywriting genius, Mark Shaw. I am always looking to push myself into learning new things - I find coming up with interesting blog posts and the 'tone of voice' that is portrayed by different people interesting, so I am learning more about the logistics behind that.

- Company magazine, I go through fazes with magazines. I have my regular magazines but some months I just seem to go crazy and buy ALL THE MAGAZINES. I have been hooked on the Company mag since their re-brand, it almost feels like I am reading a selection of my blog subscriptions on Bloglovin.

Visiting - Leeds, Leeds, Leeds. I travelled to Leeds for a day of shopping, cocktails and general fun with a couple of my friends and continuing my dip into the YouTube pool, I vlogged! I am not the most steady handed of video camera users but hopefully it wont be too much of a sickening watch ha! I will have the video up in the next few days but in the meantime, I have a couple of videos  already up on my channel (Ashley Fauguel).

Watching - The last episode of Broadchurch - I actually can't believe how absorbed I became in this series. I sat nervously throughout the finale before screaming 'I KNEW IT' which of course I did... and it's back for a second season!!!

- Game of Thrones - as always, obviously.


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